
Package Contents






class vspyx.RPC.Module

Bases: vspyx.Core.Module

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.RPC.Module


AddService(self, service: Service) Any

Adds a service to the RPC server. The service will be served on the next invocation of Start()

Parameter service:

the service to add

ClearServices(self) Any

Clears all services from the RPC server. If the server is already running the services won’t be removed until Stop() is called.

RemoveService(self, service: Service) Any

Removes a service from the RPC server. If the server is already running the service won’t be removed until Stop() is called.

Parameter service:

the service to remove

Start(self, listenSpec: str) Any

Start the RPC server in insecure mode with all services that have been added up to the point of the call.

Parameter listenSpec:

, iface:port specification to listen for incoming connections, for example localhost:19870 or

StartSecure(self, listenSpec: str, privateKeyPem: str, fullCertChainPem: str, secretToken: str) Any

Start the RPC server in secure mode with all services that have been added up to the point of the call.

Parameter listenSpec:

, iface:port specification to listen for incoming connections, for example localhost:19870 or

Parameter privateKeyPem:

path to the private key .pem file

Parameter fullCertChainPem:

path to the certificate chain .pem file

Parameter secretToken:

a secret token that must every client must provide. sent as x-intrepidcs-walrus-token auth metadata

Stop(self) Any

Stop the RPC server

class vspyx.RPC.Service

Bases: vspyx.Core.Object

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.RPC.Service


Shutdown(self) Any