

Package Contents



Represents the functional basis of a transaction buffer consisting of zero or more frames


Represents the function of reading recorded message frame buffer data


Represents the functional basis of time-varied frame buffer data hosting


Represents the completion of a pending CANFrame forward/transmit


Enum where members are also (and must be) ints


Represents CAN driver function


Represents an event emitted onto the channel by a CAN Controller


Represents a CAN communication frame


Represents CAN frame construction support functionality


Represents the completion of a pending Frame forward/transmit




Represents the functional basis for a communication driver interface


Represents the general classification of a driver identify


Represents the completion of a pending EthernetFrame forward/transmit


Rerepsents an Ethernet device driver


Represents an Ethernet message frame






Enum where members are also (and must be) ints


Enum where members are also (and must be) ints




Represents a Flexray driver


Represents a Flexray frame




Enum where members are also (and must be) ints


Enum where members are also (and must be) ints


Transmitted onto a FlexRayChannel when a Controller


Represents the basis of a physical communication frame


Represents the basis of a message frame builder


Represents message frame type identification info


Represents an identity associated with an object


Rerepsents an LIN device driver


Represents the generic basis of frame modules


Represents an event that a controller would observe/create regarding a network.


Represents a network object identifier


Represents a predicate handler used in comparison of message frame objects of various types




Represents an event propogating over the network when we know that a simulation


Represents the basis of a message frame data source


Resolves message data source handler objects


Rerepesents the identification info for a data source object




Represents a writable output frame buffer


Represents the function of opening an output buffer for writing message frames

class vspyx.Frames.Buffer

Bases: vspyx.Core.ResolverObject

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Buffer

Represents the functional basis of a transaction buffer consisting of zero or more frames

Duration :Any
FileName :str
Identifer :SourceIdentifier
NumberOfFrames :int
TypeString :str
IsPrepared(self) bool
Prepare(self, task: vspyx.Core.TaskInterface) Any
__getitem__(self, index: int) NetworkEvent
class vspyx.Frames.BufferOpener

Bases: vspyx.Core.ResolverObject

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.BufferOpener

Represents the function of reading recorded message frame buffer data

TypeString :str
CanOpen(self, path: str) bool
Open(self, path: str) vspyx.Core.Task_0f35f34819
class vspyx.Frames.BufferSource

Bases: Source

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.BufferSource

Represents the functional basis of time-varied frame buffer data hosting

Buffer :Buffer
BufferEndEvent :vspyx.Core.Event
Loop :bool
LoopCount :int
OnLooped :vspyx.Core.Callback_634bd5c449
Paused :bool
Position :float
TimeMultiplier :float
TimeSkipDetectionThreshold :Any

Get/set the current threshold of elapsed time that indicates we were frozen (in a suspended VM, say).

If we detect we were frozen, we will skip the time in the buffer rather than attempting to catch up to where we would have been if all that time had elapsed.

This prevents us from entering a death spiral of processing in these cases.

The default threshold is one second, and it will not trigger if the Scheduler is in non-realtime mode.

This API is not guaranteed and should not be relied on long term, but it is provided in case the threshold is causing problems and a quick workaround is needed.

UseSimulationTime :bool

Used to select whether the timestamps of the buffer should be synchronized with the beginning of the simulation (true) or the beginning of the buffer (false).

This defaults to true when running realtime for correct synchronization with real hardware, and false when running non-realtime for accurate timestamps while processing.

Note that even when false, the buffer source creates timestamps after the final frame for buffer looping.

The value is latched during ComponentStart, so if the value is changed while running it will take effect the next time the source is started.

MakeSchedulerTicker(self) vspyx.Runtime.SchedulerTicker
class vspyx.Frames.CANConfirmation

Bases: Confirmation

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.CANConfirmation

Represents the completion of a pending CANFrame forward/transmit

CANFrame :CANFrame
Status :CANDriver.TxStatus
static New(frame: CANFrame, status: CANDriver.TxStatus) CANConfirmation
class vspyx.Frames.CANControllerState

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.CANControllerState

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

BusOff = 2
ErrorActive = 0
ErrorPassive = 1
class vspyx.Frames.CANDriver

Bases: Driver

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.CANDriver

Represents CAN driver function

class TxStatus

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.CANDriver.TxStatus

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Aborted = 1
ArbitrationLost = 2
Transmitted = 0
FDBaudRate :Any
class vspyx.Frames.CANErrorCountsEvent

Bases: NetworkEvent

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.CANErrorCountsEvent

Represents an event emitted onto the channel by a CAN Controller when its error counts change. It does not represent an event that would occur on a physical CAN bus, but is propagated for display reasons.

BusOff :bool
ControllerState :CANControllerState

The error state of the CAN controller

CountsAsTraffic :bool
ErrorWarning :bool

Some CAN controllers have an “error warning” threshold when either counter goes above 95.

Since it is not a standardized error state, it is not reported as the controller state, but the value can be read here.

ReceiveErrorCount :int
TransmitErrorCount :int
static New(timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, tec: int, rec: int, busOff: bool) CANErrorCountsEvent
class vspyx.Frames.CANFrame

Bases: Frame

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.CANFrame

Represents a CAN communication frame

ArbID :int
BaudrateSwitch :bool
DLC :int
IsCANFD :bool
IsExtended :bool
IsRemote :bool
class vspyx.Frames.CANFrameBuilder

Bases: CANFrame

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.CANFrameBuilder

Represents CAN frame construction support functionality

ArbID :int
ArbIDMask :int
Arbitrary :int
BaudrateSwitch :bool
BaudrateSwitchMask :bool
CANFDMask :bool
DLC :int
DLCMask :int
Data :vspyx.Core.BytesView
ExtendedMask :bool
IsCANFD :bool
IsExtended :bool
IsRemote :bool
Mask :vspyx.Core.BytesView
Network :NetworkIdentifier
RemoteMask :bool
Source :SourceIdentifier
Timestamp :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
Type :FrameType
ArbIDSet(self, set: int) CANFrameBuilder
ArbIDSet(self, set: int, mask: int) CANFrameBuilder
BaudrateSwitchSet(self, set: bool) CANFrameBuilder
BaudrateSwitchSet(self, set: bool, mask: bool) CANFrameBuilder
Byte(self, index: int, value: int) CANFrameBuilder
Byte(self, index: int, value: int, mask: int) CANFrameBuilder
CANFDSet(self, set: bool) CANFrameBuilder
CANFDSet(self, set: bool, mask: bool) CANFrameBuilder
static CAN_DLCToDL(dlc: int, fd: bool) int

Convert a given CAN DLC nibble to a CAN data length.

If fd is false, only 0-8 are acceptable, throwing otherwise.

If `fd is true, then 0-64 are acceptable, throwing otherwise.

static CAN_DLToDLC(dataLength: int, fd: bool) int

Convert a given CAN data length to a CAN DLC nibble.

If fd is false, only 0-8 are acceptable, throwing otherwise.

If `fd is true, then hex 0-F are acceptable, throwing otherwise.

Clone(self) NetworkEvent
DLCAutosetFromDataSizeAndCANFDFlag(self) CANFrameBuilder

Automatically set the DLC given the currently set Data.

Checks the current IsCANFD flag to enable the upper 4 DLC bits.

Throws std::runtime_error if the Data is too long for the current frame type (2.0 vs FD)

DLCSet(self, set: int) CANFrameBuilder
DLCSet(self, set: int, mask: int) CANFrameBuilder
DataSet(self, bytes: List[int]) Any
DataSet(self, bytes: vspyx.Core.BytesView) Any
ExtendedSet(self, set: bool) CANFrameBuilder
ExtendedSet(self, set: bool, mask: bool) CANFrameBuilder
RemoteSet(self, set: bool) CANFrameBuilder
RemoteSet(self, set: bool, mask: bool) CANFrameBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.Confirmation

Bases: NetworkEvent

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Confirmation

Represents the completion of a pending Frame forward/transmit

CountsAsTraffic :bool
Frame :Frame
IsError :bool
Network :NetworkIdentifier
Source :SourceIdentifier
class vspyx.Frames.Coremini


CollectionNames :List[str]
CreateTime :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
EncryptedSize :int
FirstLogSector :int
Hash :vspyx.Core.BytesView
PersistentLogDataOffset :int
PersistentLogDataSector :int
ReadBinSizeSectors :int
ReadBinStartSector :int
RootDirectorySector :int
RootDirectorySize :int
Version :int
GenerateBinary(self) vspyx.Core.BytesView
static GetChecksum(bytes: List[int], filesize: int) int
GetCollectionName(self, functionBlockIndex: int) str
static GetCoreminiNetId(record: int) int
static GetVersion(inputStream: vspyx.IO.FileInputStream) int
HasEnhancedRootDirectory(self) bool
assign(self, arg0: Coremini) Coremini
class vspyx.Frames.Driver

Bases: vspyx.Core.Object

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Driver

Represents the functional basis for a communication driver interface

class IngressResult

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Driver.IngressResult

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Failed = 3
Nop = 0
Requested = 1
Successful = 2
BaudRate :int
Identifier :DriverIdentifier
OnEvent :vspyx.Core.Callback_316d8f46e9

Called when the driver reports an occurrence of a Network Event.

This could be a Frames::Frame or any other event that the Driver can detect.

SubmitEvent(self, event: NetworkEvent) Driver.IngressResult

Submit an event to the driver.

For instance, the event may be a Frame, in which case we expect the Driver to Transmit the Frame.

class vspyx.Frames.DriverIdentifier

Bases: Identifier

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.DriverIdentifier

Represents the general classification of a driver identify

Description :str
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetConfirmation

Bases: Confirmation

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetConfirmation

Represents the completion of a pending EthernetFrame forward/transmit

EthernetFrame :EthernetFrame
Status :EthernetDriver.TxStatus
static New(frame: EthernetFrame, status: EthernetDriver.TxStatus) EthernetConfirmation
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetDriver

Bases: Driver

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetDriver

Rerepsents an Ethernet device driver

class TxStatus

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetDriver.TxStatus

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Dropped = 1
Transmitted = 0
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrame

Bases: Frame

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrame

Represents an Ethernet message frame

IsFCSAvailable :bool
IsFrameTooShort :bool
IsNoPadding :bool
IsPreemptionEnabled :bool
PreemptionFlags :int
static New(data: vspyx.Core.BytesView, timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, arbitrary: int) EthernetFrame
class vspyx.Frames.FileId


ID :str
StartSector :int
Timestamp :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
UnixTimestamp :int
assign(self, arg0: FileId) FileId
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayCCConfiguration


AcceptStartupRangeMicroticks :int
AllowHaltDueToClock :bool
AllowPassiveToActiveCyclePairs :int
ChannelA :bool
ChannelB :bool
ClusterDriftDamping :int
DecodingCorrectionMicroticks :int
DelayCompensationAMicroticks :int
DelayCompensationBMicroticks :int
ExternOffsetCorrectionControl :int
ExternOffsetCorrectionMicroticks :int
ExternRateCorrectionControl :int
ExternRateCorrectionMicroticks :int
ExternalSync :bool
FallBackInternal :bool
GlobalConfiguration :FlexRayClusterConfiguration
KeySlotID :int
KeySlotOnlyEnabled :bool
KeySlotUsedForStartup :bool
KeySlotUsedForSync :bool
LatestTxMinislot :int
ListenTimeout :int
MTSOnA :bool
MTSOnB :bool
MacroInitialOffsetA :int
MacroInitialOffsetB :int
MaximumDynamicPayloadLengthWords :int
MicroInitialOffsetA :int
MicroInitialOffsetB :int
MicroPerCycle :int
MicrotickDurationSec :float
NMVectorEarlyUpdate :bool
OffsetCorrectionOutMicroticks :int
RateCorrectionOutMicroticks :int
SamplesPerMicrotick :int
SecondKeySlotID :int
TwoKeySlotMode :bool
UseExternalSync :bool
UseFallBackInternal :bool
UseMicrotickDurationSec :bool
UseNMVectorEarlyUpdate :bool
UseSamplesPerMicrotick :bool
WakeupOnChannelB :bool
WakeupPattern :int
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayCRCStatus

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayCRCStatus

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Error = 1
NoCRC = 2
OK = 0
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayChannel

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayChannel

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

A = 0
AB = 2
B = 1
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayClusterConfiguration


ActionPointOffset :int
BitTimeNS :int
CASRxLowMax :int
ColdStartAttempts :int
CycleCountMax :int
CycleDurationSec :float
DetectNITError :bool
DynamicSlotIdlePhaseMinislots :int
IgnoreAfterTx :int
ListenNoiseMacroticks :int
MacrotickDurationSec :float
MacroticksPerCycle :int
MaxWithoutClockCorrectionFatal :int
MaxWithoutClockCorrectionPassive :int
MinislotActionPointOffsetMacroticks :int
MinislotDurationMacroticks :int
NetworkIdleTimeMacroticks :int
NetworkManagementVectorLengthBytes :int
NumberOfMinislots :int
NumberOfStaticSlots :int
OffsetCorrectionStartMacroticks :int
PayloadLengthOfStaticSlotInWords :int
SafetyMarginMacroticks :int
SampleClockPeriodSec :float
StaticSlotMacroticks :int
SymbolWindowActionPointOffsetMacroticks :int
SymbolWindowMacroticks :int
SyncFrameIDCountMax :int
TransceiverStandbyDelaySec :float
TransmissionStartSequenceDurationBits :int
UseSampleClockPeriodSec :bool
UseTransceiverStandbyDelaySec :bool
WakeupRxIdleBits :int
WakeupRxLowBits :int
WakeupRxWindowBits :int
WakeupTxActiveBits :int
WakeupTxIdleBits :int
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayDriver

Bases: Driver

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayDriver

Represents a Flexray driver

GetAllowColdstart(self, idx: int) bool
GetStartWhenGoingOnline(self, idx: int) bool
GetWakeupBeforeStart(self, idx: int) bool
Halt(self, idx: int) Any
SetAllowColdstart(self, idx: int, enable: bool) Any
SetCCConfiguration(self, idx: int, config: FlexRayCCConfiguration) Any
SetStartWhenGoingOnline(self, idx: int, enable: bool) Any
SetWakeupBeforeStart(self, idx: int, enable: bool) Any
Start(self, idx: int) Any
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayFrame

Bases: Frame

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayFrame

Represents a Flexray frame

CRCStatus :FlexRayCRCStatus
Channel :FlexRayChannel
Cycle :int
FrameCRC :int
FrameLen :float
HeaderCRC :int
HeaderCRCStatus :FlexRayCRCStatus
IsDynamicFrame :bool
IsNullFrame :bool
IsStartupFrame :bool
IsSyncFrame :bool
PayloadPreamble :bool
ReservedBit :bool
SlotID :int
Symbol :FlexRaySymbol
TSSLen :float
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayFrameBuilder

Bases: FlexRayFrame

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayFrameBuilder


Arbitrary :int
Data :vspyx.Core.BytesView
Network :NetworkIdentifier
Source :SourceIdentifier
Timestamp :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
Type :FrameType
Clone(self) NetworkEvent
DataSet(self, bytes: List[int]) Any
DataSet(self, bytes: vspyx.Core.BytesView) Any
GetCRCStatus(self) FlexRayCRCStatus
GetChannel(self) FlexRayChannel
GetCycle(self) int
GetFrameCRC(self) int
GetFrameLen(self) float
GetHeaderCRC(self) int
GetHeaderCRCStatus(self) FlexRayCRCStatus
GetIsDynamicFrame(self) bool
GetIsNullFrame(self) bool
GetIsStartupFrame(self) bool
GetIsSyncFrame(self) bool
GetPayloadPreamble(self) bool
GetReservedBit(self) bool
GetSlotID(self) int
GetSymbol(self) FlexRaySymbol
GetTSSLen(self) float
SetCRCStatus(self, CRCStatus: FlexRayCRCStatus) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetChannel(self, channel: FlexRayChannel) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetCycle(self, cycle: int) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetFrameCRC(self, frameCRC: int) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetFrameLen(self, FrameLen: float) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetHeaderCRC(self, headerCRC: int) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetHeaderCRCStatus(self, headerCRCStatus: FlexRayCRCStatus) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetIsDynamicFrame(self, isDynamicFrame: bool) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetIsNullFrame(self, isNullFrame: bool) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetIsStartupFrame(self, isStartupFrame: bool) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetIsSyncFrame(self, isSyncFrame: bool) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetPayloadPreamble(self, payloadPreamble: bool) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetReservedBit(self, isReservedBit: bool) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetSlotID(self, slotID: int) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetSymbol(self, symbol: FlexRaySymbol) FlexRayFrameBuilder
SetTSSLen(self, TSSLen: float) FlexRayFrameBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayStrobePoint

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayStrobePoint

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

SPP4 = 1
SPP5 = 0
SPP6 = 2
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRaySymbol

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRaySymbol

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

CAS = 3
NONE = 0
Unknown = 1
Wakeup = 2
class vspyx.Frames.FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate

Bases: NetworkEvent

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate

Transmitted onto a FlexRayChannel when a Controller updates its transmit buffer.

This way, any physical FrameSources can update their internal transmit buffers as necessary to create this traffic on the physical bus when the time comes.

class Mode

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Clear = 3
Continuous = 1
FIFO = 2
OneShot = 0
BaseCycle :int
Channel :FlexRayChannel
CountsAsTraffic :bool
CycleRepetition :int
Data :vspyx.Core.BytesView
IsDynamic :bool
IsKeySlot :bool
IsNMFrame :bool
IsStartup :bool
IsSync :bool
SlotID :int
GetMode(self) FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode
Matches(self, other: FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate) bool

Returns true if the given FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate would use the same message buffer as the current FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate would.

static New(data: vspyx.Core.BytesView, timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, baseCycle: int, cycleRepetition: int, mode: FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode, channel: FlexRayChannel, slotId: int) FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate
static New(data: vspyx.Core.BytesView, timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, baseCycle: int, cycleRepetition: int, mode: FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode, channel: FlexRayChannel, slotId: int, dynamic: bool) FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate
static New(data: vspyx.Core.BytesView, timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, baseCycle: int, cycleRepetition: int, mode: FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode, channel: FlexRayChannel, slotId: int, dynamic: bool, networkManagement: bool) FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate
static New(data: vspyx.Core.BytesView, timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, baseCycle: int, cycleRepetition: int, mode: FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode, channel: FlexRayChannel, slotId: int, dynamic: bool, networkManagement: bool, keySlot: bool) FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate
static New(data: vspyx.Core.BytesView, timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, baseCycle: int, cycleRepetition: int, mode: FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode, channel: FlexRayChannel, slotId: int, dynamic: bool, networkManagement: bool, keySlot: bool, sync: bool) FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate
static New(data: vspyx.Core.BytesView, timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier, baseCycle: int, cycleRepetition: int, mode: FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate.Mode, channel: FlexRayChannel, slotId: int, dynamic: bool, networkManagement: bool, keySlot: bool, sync: bool, startup: bool) FlexRayTransmitBufferUpdate
class vspyx.Frames.Frame

Bases: NetworkEvent

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Frame

Represents the basis of a physical communication frame

Arbitrary :int
CountsAsTraffic :bool
Data :vspyx.Core.BytesView
Type :FrameType
class vspyx.Frames.FrameBuilder

Bases: Frame

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FrameBuilder

Represents the basis of a message frame builder

Arbitrary :int
Data :vspyx.Core.BytesView
Timestamp :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
Clone(self) NetworkEvent
DataSet(self, bytes: List[int]) FrameBuilder
GetNetwork(self) NetworkIdentifier
GetSource(self) SourceIdentifier
GetType(self) FrameType
SetNetwork(self, network: NetworkIdentifier) FrameBuilder
SetSource(self, source: SourceIdentifier) FrameBuilder
SetType(self, type: FrameType) FrameBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.FrameType

Bases: vspyx.Core.Object

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FrameType

Represents message frame type identification info

class Enum

Bases: enum.IntFlag

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.FrameType.Enum

Support for integer-based Flags

A2B = 11
CAN = 2
Ethernet = 6
FlexRay = 4
I2C = 10
ISO9141 = 9
LIN = 3
MOST = 5
Unknown = 65535
GetEnum(self) FrameType.Enum
static TypeToString(e: FrameType.Enum) int
__eq__(self, compare: FrameType.Enum) bool

Return self==value.

__str__(self) str

Return str(self).

assign(self, e: FrameType.Enum) FrameType
class vspyx.Frames.Identifier

Bases: vspyx.Core.Object

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Identifier

Represents an identity associated with an object

__eq__(self, rhs: Identifier) bool

Return self==value.

__str__(self) str

Return str(self).

class vspyx.Frames.LINDriver

Bases: Driver

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.LINDriver

Rerepsents an LIN device driver

class vspyx.Frames.Module

Bases: vspyx.Core.Module

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Module

Represents the generic basis of frame modules

AddBufferOpener(self, opener: BufferOpener) Any
AddSourceFinder(self, finder: SourceFinder) Any
AddWritableBufferOpener(self, opener: WritableBufferOpener) Any
CanOpenBuffer(self, path: str) bool
CanWriteBuffer(self, path: str) bool
DiscoverAllSources(self) List[Source]
FindSourceByDescription(self, description: str) List[Source]
NewSourceFromBuffer(self, buffer: Buffer) BufferSource
OpenBuffer(self, path: str) vspyx.Core.Task_0f35f34819
OpenWritableBuffer(self, path: str) WritableBuffer
class vspyx.Frames.NetworkEvent

Bases: vspyx.Core.Object

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.NetworkEvent

Represents an event that a controller would observe/create regarding a network.

It is the basis for Frame, ACK, NAK, Error State Change, Link State Change, etc.

CountsAsTraffic :bool

Whether or not this NetworkEvent counts as “traffic” for the purposes of statistics reporting, i.e. for the Channel’s “total traffic” counter.

Network :NetworkIdentifier
Source :SourceIdentifier
Timestamp :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
Clone(self) NetworkEvent
class vspyx.Frames.NetworkIdentifier

Bases: Identifier

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.NetworkIdentifier

Represents a network object identifier

Description :str
Type :FrameType
class vspyx.Frames.Predicate

Represents a predicate handler used in comparison of message frame objects of various types

Function :vspyx.Core.Function_9f3a3da547
class vspyx.Frames.Record


Header :int
Timestamp :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
HasValidChecksum(self) bool
IsValidRecordForPreTrigger(self, functionBlockId: int) bool
MatchesCaptureMask(self, captureMask: int) bool
UpdateCaptureMask(self, captureMask: int) Any
assign(self, arg0: Record) Record
class vspyx.Frames.SimResetEvent

Bases: NetworkEvent

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.SimResetEvent

Represents an event propogating over the network when we know that a simulation source has reset and closed its connections. While it is not always possible to know that a source has reset connections, we can send this when a buffer file simulation loops or a simulated ECU resets to make heuristic followers act in a more user-friendly way.

CountsAsTraffic :bool
static New(timestamp: vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp, source: SourceIdentifier, network: NetworkIdentifier) SimResetEvent
class vspyx.Frames.Source

Bases: vspyx.Runtime.Component

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Source

Represents the basis of a message frame data source

class State

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.Source.State

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Closing = 6
Disconnected = 7
NotReady = 1
Online = 5
Open = 4
Opening = 3
Ready = 2
Uninitialized = 0
AvailableDrivers :List[Driver]
Description :str
DisplayName :str
Filesystem :vspyx.IO.Filesystem
Identifier :SourceIdentifier
OnCaptureFinished :vspyx.Core.Callback_b5149b3b0d
OnCoreMiniCreateTimeChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnCoreMiniHeaderSizeChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnCoreMiniRunningChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnCoreMiniVersionChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnCurrentSectorChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnDiagnosticErrorCodeChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnDiagnosticErrorCodeCountChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnFileChecksumChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnLastSectorChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnLoggingChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnMaxCoreMiniSizeChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnMaxSectorChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnMinSectorChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnNetworkEvent :vspyx.Core.Callback_316d8f46e9
OnReadBinSizeChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnRemainingSectorsChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnSectorOverflowChanged :vspyx.Core.Callback_6787f08ea0
OnSleepRequested :vspyx.Core.Callback_a2f38cfeb7
ScriptStatus :Any
SleepRequested :Any
SourceState :Source.State
SourceStream :vspyx.IO.SeekableInputOutputStream
TypeString :str
UniqueIdentifierString :str
AllowSleep(self) Any
AllowSleep(self, remoteWakeup: bool) Any
ClearScript(self) Any
CloneState(self) Any
Close(self) vspyx.Core.Task_a3295bec43
LoadReadBin(self, arg0: vspyx.Core.BytesView, readBinStartLocation: int) Any
LoadScript(self, arg0: vspyx.Core.BytesView) Any
Open(self) vspyx.Core.Task_a3295bec43
Start(self) vspyx.Core.Task_a3295bec43
StartScript(self) Any
static StateString(state: Source.State) int
Stop(self) vspyx.Core.Task_a3295bec43
StopScript(self) Any
UpdateState(self, state: Any) Any
class vspyx.Frames.SourceFinder

Bases: vspyx.Core.ResolverObject

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.SourceFinder

Resolves message data source handler objects

Discover(self) List[Source]
Find(self, description: str) List[Source]
IsHandlerFor(self, description: str) bool
class vspyx.Frames.SourceIdentifier

Bases: Identifier

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.SourceIdentifier

Rerepesents the identification info for a data source object

class vspyx.Frames.VSAFilesystem

Bases: vspyx.IO.Filesystem

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.VSAFilesystem


class vspyx.Frames.WritableBuffer

Bases: vspyx.Core.ResolverObject

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.WritableBuffer

Represents a writable output frame buffer

FileName :str
NumberOfFrames :int
TypeString :str
Append(self, frame: Frame) Any
class vspyx.Frames.WritableBufferOpener

Bases: vspyx.Core.ResolverObject

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.WritableBufferOpener

Represents the function of opening an output buffer for writing message frames

TypeString :str
CanWrite(self, path: str) bool
Open(self, path: str) WritableBuffer