
Package Contents




















class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ARPBuilder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ARPBuilder


class HardwareTypes

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ARPBuilder.HardwareTypes

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Ethernet = 1
Reserved = 0
class Operations

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ARPBuilder.Operations

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

Reply = 2
Request = 1
class ProtocolTypes

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ARPBuilder.ProtocolTypes

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

IPv4 = 2048
Reserved = 0
HardwareAddressLength(self, hal: int) ARPBuilder
HardwareType(self, ht: ARPBuilder.HardwareTypes) ARPBuilder
Operation(self, operation: ARPBuilder.Operations) ARPBuilder
ProtocolAddressLength(self, pal: int) ARPBuilder
ProtocolType(self, pt: ARPBuilder.ProtocolTypes) ARPBuilder
SenderHardwareAddress(self, set: str) ARPBuilder
SenderProtocolAddress(self, set: str) ARPBuilder
TargetHardwareAddress(self, set: str) ARPBuilder
TargetProtocolAddress(self, set: str) ARPBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.Base

Bases: vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrame

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.Base


Arbitrary :int
Data :vspyx.Core.BytesView
IsFCSAvailable :bool
IsFrameTooShort :bool
IsNoPadding :bool
IsPreemptionEnabled :bool
MaskView :vspyx.Core.BytesView
Network :vspyx.Frames.NetworkIdentifier
PreemptionFlags :int
Source :vspyx.Frames.SourceIdentifier
Timestamp :vspyx.Runtime.Timestamp
Type :vspyx.Frames.FrameType
BuildFrame(self) vspyx.Frames.Frame
Clone(self) vspyx.Frames.NetworkEvent
GetBytes(self) List[int]
GetMask(self) List[int]
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.FrameBuilder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.FrameBuilder


class EtherTypes

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.FrameBuilder.EtherTypes

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

ARP = 2054
IPv4 = 2048
IPv6 = 34525
VLAN = 33024
ARP(self) ARPBuilder
DestinationMACAddress(self, set: str) FrameBuilder
EtherType(self, set: FrameBuilder.EtherTypes) FrameBuilder
IPv4(self) IPv4Builder
SourceMACAddress(self, set: str) FrameBuilder
VLAN(self) VLANBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ICMPBuilder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ICMPBuilder


class Codes

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ICMPBuilder.Codes

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

AddressMaskReply = 0
AddressMaskRequest = 0
BadLength = 2
CommunicationAdministrativelyProhibited = 13
DestinationHostUnknown = 7
DestinationHostUnreachable = 1
DestinationNetworkUnknown = 6
DestinationNetworkUnreachable = 0
DestinationPortUnreachable = 3
DestinationProtocolUnreachable = 2
EchoReply = 0
EchoRequest = 0
FragmentReassemblyTimeExceeded = 1
FragmentationRequired = 4
HostAdministrativelyProhibited = 10
HostPrecedenceViolation = 14
HostUnreachable = 12
InformationReply = 0
InformationRequest = 0
MalformedQuery = 1
MissingARequiredOption = 1
MultipleInterfacesSatisfyQuery = 4
NetworkAdministrativelyProhibited = 9
NetworkUnreachable = 11
NoError = 0
NoSuchInterface = 2
NoSuchTableEntry = 3
PointerIndicatesTheError = 0
PrecedenceCutoffInEffect = 15
RedirectDatagramForTheHost = 1
RedirectDatagramForTheNetwork = 0
RedirectDatagramForTheToSAndHost = 3
RedirectDatagramForTheToSAndNetwork = 2
RequestExtendedEcho = 0
RouterAdvertisement = 0
RouterSolicitation = 0
SourceHostIsolated = 8
SourceQuench = 0
SourceRouteFailed = 5
TTLExpiredInTransit = 0
Timestamp = 0
TimestampReply = 0
class Types

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.ICMPBuilder.Types

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

AddressMaskReply = 18
AddressMaskRequst = 17
DestinationUnreachable = 3
EchoReply = 0
EchoRequest = 8
ExtendedEchoReply = 43
ExtendedEchoRequest = 42
InformationReply = 16
InformationRequest = 15
ParameterProblem = 12
RedirectMessage = 5
RouterAdvertisement = 9
RouterSolicitation = 10
SourceQuench = 4
TimeExceeded = 11
Timestamp = 13
TimestampReply = 14
Traceroute = 30
Checksum(self, checksum: int) ICMPBuilder
Code(self, code: ICMPBuilder.Codes) ICMPBuilder
ICMPType(self, type: ICMPBuilder.Types) ICMPBuilder
RestOfHeader(self, roh: int) ICMPBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.IPv4Builder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.IPv4Builder


class Protocols

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.IPv4Builder.Protocols

Enum where members are also (and must be) ints

ICMP = 1
IGMP = 2
IPv4 = 3
TCP = 6
UDP = 17
AppendOption(self, option: int) IPv4Builder
DestinationIPAddress(self, set: str) IPv4Builder
DifferentiatedServicesCodePoint(self, dscp: int) IPv4Builder
ExplicitCongestionNotification(self, ecn: int) IPv4Builder
Flags(self, flags: int) IPv4Builder
FragmentOffset(self, fo: int) IPv4Builder
HeaderChecksum(self, hc: int) IPv4Builder
ICMP(self) ICMPBuilder
Identification(self, id: int) IPv4Builder
Protocol(self, protocol: IPv4Builder.Protocols) IPv4Builder
Raw(self) IPv4RawBuilder
SourceIPAddress(self, set: str) IPv4Builder
TCP(self) TCPBuilder
TimeToLive(self, ttl: int) IPv4Builder
TotalLength(self, tl: int) IPv4Builder
UDP(self) UDPBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.IPv4RawBuilder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.IPv4RawBuilder


AppendPayload(self, data: vspyx.Core.BytesView) IPv4RawBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.TCPBuilder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.TCPBuilder


AcknowledgmentNumber(self, num: int) TCPBuilder
AppendOption(self, option: int) TCPBuilder
AppendPayload(self, data: vspyx.Core.BytesView) TCPBuilder
Checksum(self, checksum: int) TCPBuilder
DataOffset(self, offset: int) TCPBuilder
DestinationPort(self, port: int) TCPBuilder
Flags(self, flags: int) TCPBuilder
SequenceNumber(self, num: int) TCPBuilder
SourcePort(self, port: int) TCPBuilder
UrgentPointer(self, urg: int) TCPBuilder
WindowSize(self, size: int) TCPBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.UDPBuilder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.UDPBuilder


AppendPayload(self, data: vspyx.Core.BytesView) UDPBuilder
Checksum(self, checksum: int) UDPBuilder
DestinationPort(self, port: int) UDPBuilder
Length(self, length: int) UDPBuilder
SourcePort(self, port: int) UDPBuilder
class vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.VLANBuilder

Bases: Base

Inheritance diagram of vspyx.Frames.EthernetFrameBuilder.VLANBuilder


DropEligibleIndicator(self, dei: int) VLANBuilder
IPv4(self) IPv4Builder
PriorityCodePoint(self, pcp: int) VLANBuilder
VLANIdentifier(self, vid: int) VLANBuilder